Radiation News Roundup Nov 14, 2015 Tainted cities irate over TEPCO’s slow compensation payments: survey japantimes.co.jp The Department of State in New York is attempting to block the relicensing application for the Indian Point generating station 24 miles north of New York City on grounds that it is harmful to the fish habitat of the Hudson River and a threat to the city's population. nuclearstreet.com There are only two options – nuclear power and renewable energy sources – to decarbonise an ever increasing electricity sector and of those only nuclear provides “firmly dispatchable” baseload electricity because the variability of renewables requires flexible backup that is frequently provided by carbon-intensive power plants, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Nuclear Energy Agency says in a report today. nucnet.org Incentives And Financial Certainty Are Crucial For Deployment Of Low-Carbon Nuclear, Says IEA. nucnet.org