Radiation News Roundup Nov 20, 2015 Three Japanese reactors have approval to operate for their full licence periods of 40 years after decisions by the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA). One of the units - Sendai 2 - is already in operation, the other two - Takahama 3 and 4 - are soon to restart. World-nuclear-news.org The government on Friday lowered the threshold for evacuating residents during accidents on nuclear vessels, bringing it in line with accidents at atomic power plants. japantimes.co.jp Moscow and Cairo signed an agreement on Thursday for Russia to build a nuclear power plant in Egypt, with Russia extending a loan to Egypt to cover the cost of construction. reuters.com Energy Solutions EU (ES EU) and the UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) met in court this week over the company's claim the government agency violated its own rules last year when it awarded a contract to manage the Magnox Ltd and Research Site Restoration Ltd nuclear sites. World-nuclear-news.org