Radiation News Roundup Jan 05, 2015 Iran unveiled a new underground missile depot Tuesday, with state television showing weapons in store that the United States says are capable of carrying nuclear warheads. nbcnews.com Unit 3 of South Korea's Shin Kori nuclear power plant achieved a sustained chain reaction for the first time on 29 December. It becomes the country's 25th operable power reactor. world-nuclear-news.org The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said it would commence a special inspection of the Oconee nuclear power station on Tuesday to review concerns over startup transformer cables for the plant's Unit 1 and Unit 3 reactors due to problems that were discovered by a plant operator on Dec. 7. nuclearstreet.com Energy company Fortum Oyj said Tuesday that it planned extensive upgrades at the Loviisa nuclear power plant in 2016, including turbine generator refurbishment. The plans extend upgrades already begun for safety and production efficiency, the Finnish company said. nuclearstree