Radiation News Roundup Jan 13, 2015 CGN said development of its ACPR50S reactor design had recently been approved by China's National Development and Reform Commission as part of the 13th Five-Year Plan for innovative energy technologies. world-nuclear-news.org A US House of Representatives committee has approved a bipartisan bill to support federal research and development (R&D) and stimulate private investment in advanced nuclear reactor technologies. The approval came as President Barack Obama said the country must move away from "dirty energy". world-nuclear-news.org Energy Northwest, a multi-district energy agency in Washington State has retained Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) to continue to supply fuel for the Columbia Generating Station in Richland, WA. nuclearstreet.com South Korea warned North Korea on Wednesday that the United States and its allies were working on sanctions to inflict "bone-numbing pain" after its latest nuclear test, and called on China to do its part to rein in its isolated neighbor. reuters.com