Radiation News Roundup Feb 04, 2015 America's first new nuclear power plant to be built in the 21st century could end up costing $200 million more than what was forecast last year — and nearly double the price projected less than nine years ago when the Tennessee Valley Authority decided to resume work on the then-mothballed plant. timesfreepress.com Activists want to shut down California's last nuclear reactors located at Diablo Canyon. reason.com Newburyport-based watchdog group C-10 has petitioned the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to require NextEra Energy Seabrook nuclear power plant to follow tougher standards for testing deteriorating concrete at the plant. newburyportnews.com When Khalid Naqbi joined the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (Fanr), he never imagined the job would become such an important part of his life. thenatiional.ae