Radiation News Roundup Feb 18, 2015 “Highly Dangerous” Radioactive Material Stolen From US Company – Official Warns Of ISIS “Dirty Bomb.” activistpost.com Seismologists have warned that North Korea's repeated nuclear tests could cause its highest mountain Mount Paekdu to erupt - and they add that one of the volcano's previous eruptions was "one of the largest explosive events in human history". telegraph.co.uk The Finnish regulator has given utility Fortum permission to start full operation of the liquid radioactive waste solidification facility at its Loviisa nuclear power plant. Commissioning of the waste facility began in 2006. world-nuclear-news.org The Tennessee Valley Authority said Wednesday that would accept public comment for a month on the possible sale of its 1,600-acre construction site near Hollywood, Ala., which includes two partially-built Babcock and Wilcox pressurized light water reactor facilities. nuclearstreet.com