Radiation News Roundup Mar 07, 2015 A total of 32,760 workers at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant had an annual radiation dose exceeding 5 millisieverts as of the end of January, according to an analysis of Tokyo Electric Power Co. data. japantimes.co.jp A U.S. civic group said Friday two ships have arrived in Kobe to transport the massive plutonium stash Japan agreed in 2014 to return to the United States. japantimes.co.jp All but three of the USA's 99 operating nuclear power reactors were placed in the top two of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) categories for performance in 2015, the regulator has announced. world-nuclear-news.org Tension between North and South Korea has flared again, with the north warning of what it calls an “indiscriminate pre-emptive nuclear strike of justice”. einnews.com