Radiation News Roundup Mar 10, 2015 Nearly 500 terminated federal employees could gain “unauthorized physical access” to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) facilities because the agency didn’t take back their security cards, according to a government watchdog. dailycaller.com A small fire ignited early Wednesday in one of the pump motors for TVA's newest reactors, forcing the federal utility to declare the lowest of emergency classifications at the plant even before it has produced any power. timesfreepress.com While global energy demand is expected to grow by 34% between 2014 and 2035, nuclear power generation will grow 50% in total over the same period, according to the latest Energy Outlook from oil and gas giant BP. world-nuclear-news.org The Canadian government this week, backing up campaign pledge, announced $206 million in support of clean technology initiatives, including a $18.5 million in grants for next-generation nuclear power companies Terrestrial Energy and General Fusion. nuclearstreet.com