Radiation News Roundup Mar 11, 2015 Nuclear Expert: Fukushima “like the worst nightmare becoming reality” — Released as much as 1,000 atomic bombs worth of radioactive material — “Everyone on earth has been exposed… an increase in cancer will be the result.” enenews.com In 2016 Russia is set to disarm the missile system of the Typhoon-class Arkhangelsk submarine, the largest in the world. The disarmament will be carried out in accordance with the New START agreement between Moscow and Washington. rt.com "While the benefits [of small modular reactors (SMRs) and advanced reactors] are not for the NRC to tout, we can work well to ensure that the public trusts us to do the right thing when these new ideas and new applications come to us for review and possible licensing," Burns said in his introductory comments to the NRC's 28th annual Regulatory Information Conference (RIC), held in Bethesda, Maryland earlier this week. world-nuclear-news.org The European Commission has announced its approval of the partnership between EDF and China General Nuclear (CGN) for the development, construction and operation of three new nuclear power plants in the UK. The partnership complies with EU merger regulations, it said. world-nuclear-news.org