Radiation News Roundup Mar 18, 2015 Cleanup efforts at the shuttered and leaking Fukushima nuclear plant hit the skids this week as officials were confronted with a new and unexpected challenge: radiation levels are so high that a particularly damaged reactor cannot be accessed, even by robots. sputniknews.com Sixteen U.S. ships that participated in relief efforts after Japan's nuclear disaster five years ago remain contaminated with low levels of radiation from the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, top Navy officials told Stars and Stripes. military.com President Barack Obama levied sanctions against North Korea on Wednesday in response to the reclusive country's recent "illicit" nuclear and ballistic missile tests. foxnews.com One of the two reactors at the Torness nuclear power station in East Lothian has been shutdown. The plant's operators, EDF Energy, said the incident was unplanned and the manual shutdown took place on Wednesday during routine maintenance. bbc.com