Radiation News Roundup Mar 21, 2015 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is ready to support Ghana if the country decides to embark on a nuclear power program, IAEA director general Yukia Amano has told the country's president. world-nuclear-news.com Seven international regulators have enhanced a common position on their expectations when licensing safety critical software for nuclear reactors. This is highlighted in the latest revision of a consensus document, originally published in 2000. world-nuclear-news.com Southern Co. subsidiary Georgia Power says a 7,000-acre site near Columbus, Ga., could be the site of a future nuclear plant to be built in the 2030s, according to a regulatory filing. bizjournals.com An intergovernmental agreement between Russia and the U.S. to convert weapons-grade plutonium into mixed-oxide nuclear fuel has resulted in the construction of a new production unit in Siberia. rbth.com