Radiation News Roundup Apr 05, 2016 Communities in northern Japan are being overwhelmed by radioactive wild boars which are rampaging across the countryside after being contaminated by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. thetimes.co.uk Investment of between €350 billion ($399 billion) and €450 billion will be required over the next 35 years to maintain the European Union's nuclear generating capacity at between 95 and 105 GWe, according to the European Commission's latest Nuclear Illustrative Program (PINC). world-nucldear-news.org The cost exceeds current European Union budgets for nuclear clean up by $136.8 billion, The Guardian reported. The commission's Nuclear Illustrative Program (NIP) said it will cost $139.7 billion to decommission retired nuclear power plants and $147.75 billion to manage spent fuel and other highly radioactive waste, which would presumably be placed in deep, underground repositories. nuclearstreet.com South Korea has determined that North Korea is capable of mounting a nuclear warhead on its medium-range Rodong ballistic missile, which could reach all of South Korea and most of Japan, a senior government official said on Tuesday. nytimes.com