Radiation News Roundup Apr 09, 2016 Chief Engineer of State Power Investment Corporation Wang Jun confirmed Wednesday that the world's first Westinghouse Electric Co. AP1000 reactor would be operational by the end of the year. nuclearstreet.com Renewable energy and new technologies that are making low-carbon power more reliable are growing rapidly in the U.S. Renewables are so cheap in some parts of the country that they're undercutting the price of older sources of electricity such as nuclear power. npr.org U.S. defense officials said Saturday that they have no reliable information to confirm North Korea's latest boast — that it has successfully tested a new long-range rocket engine capable of targeting America with nuclear strikes. nbcnews.com The same progressives and media elites who typically fawn over presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders are now attacking him for his opposition to nuclear power, which they claim is an essential tool in the fight against global warming. dailycaller.com