Radiation News Roundup May 04, 2016 Proving the integrity of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) of unit 1 of Switzerland's Beznau nuclear power plant is taking longer than originally expected, owner Axpo said. It now expects to be given regulatory approval to restart the unit by the end of this year. world-nuclear-news.org Following a strategic review of its business, Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) has said it will prioritize the rehabilitation of the Ranger project area and the processing of stockpiled ore while keeping open the option of future development of Ranger 3 Deeps. world-nuclear-news.org Dominion Virginia Power has informed state regulators that it intends to continue spending on plans to build a third reactor at the North Anna Power Station, 40 miles northwest of Richmond, Va. That spending makes sense for Virginia customers, the company said. nuclearstreet.com A public opinion poll conducted by research firm Bisconti Research found that those who felt they were better informed about nuclear power were also more likely to be in favor of its use in the United States. nuclearstreet.com