Nuclear News Roundup Oct 06, 2016 Electricity generated by nuclear power plants will jump from 2.6 trillion kilowatt hours to 4.5 trillion kilowatt hours in 2040, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), said the agency's Annual Energy Outlook 2016 report released on Monday. U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Company said that it had reached an agreement with Ukraine's National Nuclear Energy Generating Company, NAEK Energoatom, to strengthen ties in order to “enhance the safety and operations of Ukraine's nuclear power fleet.” Canada’s nuclear-safety regulator is facing criticism from the country’s environmental watchdog for failing to prove it conducted adequate power-plant inspections and falling short on staffing levels. The nuclear industry is gradually recovering from its post-Fukushima slump, but excess capacity keeps uranium prices at record lows, forcing mining companies to mothball mines, slice costs and cut debt as they struggle to survive.