Nuclear News Roundup Dec 12, 2016 Hungary's commitment to nuclear power reflects its dedication to meeting ambitious global climate change targets as outlined by the International Energy Agency (IEA), government officials told delegates at the Budapest Energy Summit last week. Hungary joined the IEA in 1997. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has completed a safety assessment of Jordan's first nuclear reactor ahead of its routine operation. The Jordan Research and Training Reactor (JRTR) has finished its test run and been declared complete by its Korean constructors. The China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) said that its third exported nuclear power plant at the Chashma facility in Pakistan had passed its operational tests, completing a reliable demonstrative operation test that lasted 100 hours. The Chashma Unit 3 accomplished the provisional acceptance rating in the mid-afternoon of 6 Dec., the CNNC said. Iran ordered its scientists on Tuesday to start developing systems for nuclear-powered marine vessels in response to what it calls a U.S. violation of its landmark 2015 atomic deal with world powers.