Nuclear News Roundup Dec 31, 2016 The trial run of India's first 700 MW pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) coming up at Kakrapar is expected to take place sometime in mid-2017, said a senior official of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL). China has officially begun construction of its first offshore nuclear power plant, a demonstration project that will employ the domestically developed ACPR50S small modular reactor (SMR). Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Sunday supported President-elect Donald Trump's remarks about a buildup of nuclear weapons, saying the strategy "is exactly right." December 23, President-elect Donald Trump tweeted that the United States must “expand its nuclear capability.” Had he written modernize, upgrade, update or renew, no one would have paid much attention. But he seemed to call for a quantitative increase, something Matthew Kroenig endorsed in a December 23 Politico Magazine article.