Nuclear News Roundup Mar 14, 2017 An international arbitration panel has ordered Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) to pay the owners of the San Onofre nuclear power plant $125 million for defective steam generators supplied to the plant in 2009 and 2010. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) capped the award at the liability limit contained in the contract to supply the components. Pakistan vowed on Tuesday to work to prevent non-nuclear states from gaining the technology that would put them on the path to acquiring nuclear weapons even though both Islamabad and neighbor New Delhi have defied non-proliferation treaties to become competing nuclear powers. Legislation intended to give the Millstone nuclear plant access to power markets has been broadened to increase Connecticut's portfolio of renewable energy sources. The senior North Korea diplomat who defected to the South from Pyongyang's Embassy in London said Kim Jong Un's nuclear ambitions could bring about state collapse.