Nuclear News Roundup Apr 22, 2017 As the world awaits North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's next military move, a secretive U.S. Air Force complex on the other side of the planet continues to monitor the isolated nation for nuclear bomb tests. China may be getting fed up with continued nuclear bluster from long-time ally North Korea and tilting toward the United States.A day after North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister said Pyongyang would test missiles weekly and use nuclear weapons if threatened, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said Beijing was "gravely concerned" about North Korea's recent nuclear and missile activities.In the same press conference, spokesman Lu Kang praised recent US statements on the North Korean issue. Asbestos safety fears at Anglesey's Wylfa nuclear site in the U.K. Pakistan is not just one of nine countries with nuclear weapons, it is also a hotbed of global jihadism, where the military and the intelligence services use terrorist networks to advance their regional goals. And even as Pakistani officials proclaim that their nuclear assets are secure, evidence, including internal Pakistani documents, suggests that they know better.