Nuclear News Roundup Jun 10, 2017 Vattenfall has awarded a contract to dismantle and package the reactor pressure vessel internals of the Brunsbüttel nuclear power plant in Germany to the Areva-EWN Consortium. The work should be completed by 2020. The permanent shutdown of unit 1 of the Kori nuclear power plant has been approved by the South Korea's nuclear safety regulator. The unit - the country's oldest operating reactor unit - will be taken offline on 19 June. Toshiba Corp. didn’t know its U.S. nuclear subsidiary was preparing for a bankruptcy filing even after the unit had hired lawyers for the task, according to court records and Toshiba’s official timeline. The head of the United Nations atomic energy agency today briefed its governing board on its activities, including nuclear safeguards issues with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran, and nuclear technology's contributions to countries' development.