Nuclear News Roundup May 21, 2018 The Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel met on Thursday to vote on new recommendations they will send to the state regarding the decommissioning of the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant. The plant has been plagued by outages in the last year and is scheduled to be shut down next May. Organisational and technical measures are needed to improve the safety of the Democratic Republic of Congo's research reactor, an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts has concluded. TRICO-II, at the Kinshasa Nuclear Research Centre (CREN-K), has not been in operation since 2003. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Thursday that it had completed a three-year, $48.4 million project to revamp its Safeguards information technology system to be more effective in its work to ensure the peaceful uses of nuclear technology. South Africa has the continent of Africa's only nuclear power plant. But where will the second be built? Will it be in Egypt, where the site of a potential nuclear power plant has already been selected – at El Dabaa on the Mediterranean Sea? Or will it be Uganda, where the International Atomic Energy Agency has recently concluded a preliminary review designed to assess the country's preparedness for the responsibilities of nuclear power?