Nuclear Reactors 220 - Hungary in Dispute with European Commission Over Russian Nuclear Fuel Import

         There is an interesting dispute going on in Eastern Europe of the supply of nuclear fuel to reactors in Hungary. The existing Hungarian nuclear power reactors were built by the Soviet Union and used Soviet fuel. When the Soviet Union fell, Russia continued to supply nuclear fuel.

Nuclear Reactors 219 - The Push For Internationa Standards and Small Modular Reactors

         One of the big problems with nuclear power is that there is very little standardization. Aside from some basic similarities, each nuclear power reactor is unique. It was assumed at the beginning of the nuclear age that over time and the construction of many reactors, a few optimized standard designs would emerge.

Nuclear Weapons 126 - Probable Effects of a Nuclear Detonation above Manhattan

         I have blogged in the past about the devastation that would result from a nuclear war. It is estimated that the detonation of as few as a hundred nuclear warheads could cause a nuclear winter which would end human civilization on this planet. This sort of discussion can seem dry and academic so I thought that it would be useful to talk about the local effects of a nuclear blast.
