Nuclear Reactors 159 - India and Japan Discuss Nuclear Cooperation

         I have blogged before about the involvement of nuclear technology and fuel in international affairs. Major nuclear nations like France, Japan, China and Russia are dedicating resources to make the export of nuclear technology and fuel a major part of their future trade programs. The BRICS nations, (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are banking on nuclear reactors for as major sources of domestic energy.

Nuclear Reactors 158 - Nearby Geological Faults Pose Serious Danger to the Diablo Canyon Power Plant in California

         The recent major quake that shook California has increased concern over the ability of the last nuclear power reactor in California to withstand strong earthquakes. The Diablo Canyon Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County has been criticized before on the grounds that it is not safe to operate because of its proximity to geological faults.

Radioactive Waste 92 - Update on the Recent Accident at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 10

         I have often blogged about the problems at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad, New Mexico because it is the only functioning permanent geological repository for nuclear waste operating in the United States. It is primarily intended to accept transuranic wastes from U.S. nuclear weapons laboratories and production facilities. It does not accept spent nuclear fuel.
