Welcome to the new 2020 Rezvani Tank, a big old update for one of the more extreme SUVs on sale. If you can even call it that; Rezvani prefers to call it an XUV, or ‘Xtreme Utility Vehicle’, sending the Top Gear subs desk into mild panic. Topgear.com Priyanka Chopra accused of 'encouraging nuclear war' over tweet as tensions between India and Pakistan escalate. News.sky.com The community is invited to join Idaho Falls Power’s General Manager Bear Prairie and NuScale’s Senior Reactor Operator Michael Downs for “Shedding a Light on Nuclear” – a presentation and conversation about the Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Carbon Free Power Project and its impact on Idaho Falls and East Idaho. Eastidahonews.com The operator of the Nigerian Research Reactor-1, known as NIRR-1, has shown a high commitment to safety following the conversion of the reactor core to use low-enriched uranium as fuel instead of high-enriched uranium, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It made a number of recommendations to the Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission (NAEC) to further enhance safety. World-nuclear-news.org