Nuclear Reactors 1264 - Studsvik and Kärnfull Next Are Collaborating On Development of Small Modular Reactors

Nuclear Reactors 1264 - Studsvik and Kärnfull Next Are Collaborating On Development of Small Modular Reactors

     Swedish nuclear technical services provider Studsvik has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with small modular reactor (SMR) project development company Kärnfull Next. Kärnfull Next is investigating the possibility of building and operating SMRs on the Studsvik industrial site near Nyköping on the east coast of Sweden.
     Kärnfull Next said that the feasibility study began in May. Preliminary results suggest that the Studsvik area “has favorable conditions for hosting commercial SMRs.” The study is due to be completed in December. It is evaluating the "the financial, technological, environmental, and societal feasibility of flexible and state-of-the-art nuclear power production at the site".
     Studsvik said that its Nyköping site is in a strategic location and houses the company’s broad expertise in nuclear technology. This includes fuel and materials technology, reactor analysis software and fuel optimization, decommissioning and radiation protection services. In addition, it has technical solutions for handling, conditioning and volume reduction of radioactive waste.
     The collaborators said that provided the feasibility study indicates favorable conditions, including local acceptance, key decisions regarding financing, permitting and power purchase agreements with off-takers will be made in the second half of 2024.
     Christian Sjölander is founder and CEO and founder of Kärnfull Next. He said, “With its extensive expertise in the nuclear technology sector, Studsvik is the perfect partner for us. The Studsvik site seems to be well suited to become Sweden's first new nuclear power site, accompanying the three that already exist. Our vision is that one of Europe's first SMR parks can be taken into operation here already in the early 2030s. Having several small reactors creates future-proof jobs and opportunities for co-location with other high-tech industries.”
     Camilla Hoflund is the CEO of Studsvik. She said, “Kärnfull Next has established itself as a reliable and innovative partner with solid expertise. We welcome the partnership and look forward to the outcome of the feasibility study. At present it is too early to say what this may mean for Studsvik, as the conditions have not yet been fully investigated and there are many years left before a possible establishment of an SMR at the Studsvik site.”
     In March of 2022, Kärnfull Next signed a Memorandum of Understanding with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy for the deployment of the BWRX-300 in Sweden.
     Swedish lead-cooled SMR technology developer LeadCold is a spin-off from Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. In March of 2024, it announced that it was to conduct a feasibility study on the construction and operation of a demonstration Swedish Advanced Lead Reactor (SEALER) with associated infrastructure for fuel fabrication at Studsvik’s site in Studsvik.
     Earlier this month, Sweden's Radiation Safety Authority presented its final report to the Swedish government on how the regulatory framework for nuclear power should be developed. The report will also include what other measures that may be needed for nuclear power to be expanded in the country. The report included identifying the need for development of rules or other measures that can affect the conditions for the use of existing and new nuclear power, such as SMRs, based on known, as well as new, reactor technology.