Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed a battery that can utilize nuclear waste to generate electricity. This new technology uses ambient gamma radiation from spent nuclear fuel to power electronics and offers a cleaner and more efficient energy source. Raymond Cao is the Director of OSU-Nuclear Reactor Lab and lead author of the study. He said, “We’re harvesting something considered as waste and by nature, trying to turn it into treasure.”
Nuclear fission power plants are a reliable source of energy. However, they produce radioactive waste that emits gamma radiation, which is a form of energy that has been difficult to safely harness.
The Ohio State team’s prototype battery solves this problem by using scintillator crystals. They emit light when exposed to radiation. This light is then captured by solar cells, which convert it into electricity.
Cao added that “The nuclear battery concept is very promising. There’s still lots of room for improvement, but I believe in the future, this approach will carve an important space for itself in both the energy production and sensors industry.”
The battery is roughly the size of a one-and-a-half-inch cube. The researchers used two common radioactive isotopes found in spent nuclear fuel, cesium-137 and cobalt-60, to test the prototype.
The experimental results demonstrated that the battery generated two hundred and eighty-eight nanowatts with cesium-137 and a more substantial one and a half microwatts with cobalt-60, enough to power a small sensor.
Cao remarked, “Although most power outputs for homes and electronics are measured in kilowatts, this suggests that with the right power source, such devices could be scaled up to target applications at or beyond the watts level.”
This technology offers a promising solution to the problem posed by radioactive waste, a significant byproduct of nuclear power generation. Nuclear fission power plants provide about twenty percent of the United States’ electricity with minimal greenhouse gas emissions.
The researchers said in a press release, “However, these systems do create radioactive waste, which can be dangerous to human health.” By converting this radioactive waste into electricity, the new battery offers a potential pathway for transforming a liability into a valuable resource.
Moreover, the design of the battery makes it especially well-suited for environments where high levels of radiation are already present, such as nuclear waste storage facilities, deep-sea exploration, and even space missions.
The researchers emphasized that “Fortunately, although the gamma radiation utilized in this work is about a hundred times more penetrating than a normal X-ray or CT scan, the battery itself does not incorporate radioactive materials, meaning it is still safe to touch.”
The study also pointed out the impact of the scintillator crystal’s design on power output, with larger volumes and surface areas enhancing radiation absorption and light conversion. This technology shows great promise, however, scaling it up for broader applications will require dealing with manufacturing costs and conducting further research. This development represents a significant step towards a more sustainable and efficient use of nuclear energy.
Ibrahim Oksuz is a research associate at the Ohio State University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and co-author of the study. He said, “These are breakthrough results in terms of power output. This two-step process is still in its preliminary stages, but the next step involves generating greater watts with scale-up constructs.”