November 2014

Nuclear Reactor 180 - France Nuclear Agency Gets Clean Bill of Health from the International Atomic Energy Agency

         France has invested heavily in nuclear power reactors and now gets about fifty percent of its electricity from nuclear reactors. It is difficult to pin down exactly how much electricity France generates and consumes from nuclear power plants because it also exports some of the nuclear generated electricity. The French government runs the EDF company which manages fifty eight reactors.

Nuclear Weapons 109 - Widespred Problems in the U.S. Nuclear Minuteman Missile Force

       I have blogged several times about problems with the soldiers and facilities of the U.S. nuclear missile arsenal. Over the past few years there have been scandals involving top generals and commanders of the nuclear missile force. Soldiers have been caught deal drugs and cheating on their regular qualification exams. There have been a lot of news stories about these problem.

Radioactive Waster 110 - Washington State Attorney General Intends to Sue The U.S. Department of Energy Over Hanford Safety

         I have blogged on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation many times. I have attended events put on by the United States Department of Energy to solicit public input for the Hanford cleanup.

Nuclear Reactors 178 - Former U.K Promoter of Nuclear Power Comes Out For Renewables

         I have blogged a lot about all the reasons that nuclear power is not a viable option. Recently a promoter of nuclear power gave a lecture in which he questioned whether nuclear power was really necessary as a part of the mix of future global energy sources. Professor Sir David King was formerly a chief scientist and an advocate for building new nuclear reactors in the United Kingdom.

Nuclear Reactors 178 - Hearts of America Northwest and Physicians for Social Responsibility Demand Shut Down of Columbia Generating Station

        I have often blogged about problems with the cleanup of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south central Washington State. The Federal government spend decades developing and manufacturing nuclear weapons there but that ended about twenty five years ago. Despite decades of cleanup, the Hanford site is still one of the most radioactively contaminated places on Earth.
