July 2013

Geiger Readings for July 9, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 09, 2013

Ambient office = .128 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .072 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .086 microsieverts per hour

Fresh Garlic from local produce stand =  .099 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .119 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .097 microsieverts per hour

Japanese Nuclear Safety Culture Will Not Arrive Soon

         In my last post, I talked about how Barbara Judge had been hired by TEPCO and brought to Japan to help TEPCO achieve a “culture of nuclear safety.” The Japanese government has drafted new more stringent guidelines for safety at nuclear reactors and stated that they will require implementation of the new regulations at any Japanese nuclear power plant as a precondition for granting permission to restart reactors at those plants.

Geiger Readings for July 8, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 08, 2013

Ambient office = .070 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .142 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .132 microsieverts per hour

Bulk peanuts from Costco =  .069 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .142 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .105 microsieverts per hour

Geiger Readings for July 7, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 07, 2013

Ambient office = .069 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .110 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .133 microsieverts per hour

Romaine lettuce from local produce stand =  .119 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .134 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .115 microsieverts per hour

Geiger Readings for July 06, 3013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 06, 2013

Ambient office = .085 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .118 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .122 microsieverts per hour

Redleaf lettuce from local produce stand =  .103 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .082 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .065 microsieverts per hour

British-American Nuclear Specialist Hired to Rebuild the Reputation of TEPCO

            TEPCO is the Japanese company that owns and operated the Fukushima nuclear power plant that suffered the devastating accident in March of 2011 following an earthquake and tsunami. As might be expected, this accident and the aftermath delivered a serious blow to the reputation of TEPCO. Reputation is important for any company anywhere in the world but especially so for a Japanese company.

Geiger Readings for July 5, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 04, 2013

Ambient office = .140 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .100 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .127 microsieverts per hour

Icebreg lettuce from local produce stand =  .127 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .114 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .088 microsieverts per hour

Geiger Readings for July 4, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 04, 2013

Ambient office = .074 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .062 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .058 microsieverts per hour

Hass Avacado from local produce stand =  .105 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .080 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .066 microsieverts per hour

Radioactive Waster 39 - Japan's Nuclear Regulatory Agency does not Like TEPCO's Fukushima plan

         It has now been more than two years since the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan triggered by a huge earthquake and tsunami. A great deal of time, money and energy has been expended by TEPCO which owns and operates the Fukushima nuclear power plant and agencies of the Japanese government such as the Nuclear Regulatory Agency in trying to understand exactly what caused the disaster and what has happened since the disaster.

Geiger Readings for July 03, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 03, 2013

Ambient office = .092 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .091 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .079 microsieverts per hour

Mango from local produce stand =  .089 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .104 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .063 microsieverts per hour

Radiioactive Waste 37 - EPA fines DOE for Hanford problems

           A couple of days ago, I blogged about problems at Handford with the handling of two glove boxes by a Department of Energy contractor named Permafix. The boxes were moved from Hanford to Permafix through Richland with parade permits which were not appropriate for such a shipment. When the two glove boxes reached Permafix, there was radiation found on the outside of the plastic wrapped boxes and they were not handled properly when they were moved off the truck.

Geiger Readings for July 02, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 02, 2013

Ambient office = .123 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .102 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .077 microsieverts per hour

Mango from local produce stand =  .120 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .082 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .073 microsieverts per hour
