December 2013

Nuclear Reactors 93 - North Korean Nuclear Program 5

           I have been covering the North Korean nuclear program from its beginning in 1956 to a new international agreement called the Leap Day Deal because it was signed on February 29th in 2012. There was great hope that this deal would lead to a final end to the N. K. nuclear threat. But, as happened so often in the past, that hope was not to be realized.

Nuclear Reactors 92 - North Korean Nuclear Program 4

         I have been blogging about North Korea's nuclear program for the past few days. I am spending a lot of time on N.K. because it is the most belligerent of nuclear powers on Earth and often threatens to launch pre-emptive military strikes on South Korea and other nations including the United States. Yesterday, I talked about the period from 2002 to 2008 and ended with an apparent "deal" between North Korea and other nations to end N.K.

Nuclear Reactors 92 - North Korean Nuclear Program 3

          My last blog about the history of the North Korean nuclear program ended with the collapsed of the Agreed Framework between the United States and North Korea in 2002. Following the collapse that was caused by both sides accusing the other of violating the terms of the Framework, North Korea threw out the U.N. inspectors and proceed to ramp up its development of plutonium production and nuclear weapons. The U.S.
