June 2014

Nuclear Reactors 134 - NRC Commissioner Asked to Resign Due to Conflict of Interest

             I have blogged in past posts about regulatory capture which is basically the take-over of a government agency by the industry that it is supposed to regulate. This can result in industry involvement writing the rules for regulation or failure of the agency to enforce regulations on industry. There is also the problem of a revolving door where people move back and forth between positions in the regulatory agency and positions in industry.

Nuclear Reactors 133 - Researchers Seek Better Cladding for Nuclear Fuel Rods

         Following the nuclear disaster at Fukushima in March of 2011, the U.S. government increased allocation of funding for research into the development of stronger protective coating for nuclear fuel rods. Prior to the disaster, about two million dollars were being spent per year on improving the construction of nuclear fuel rods. Following the disaster, the funding rose to over thirty million a year.

Nuclear Reactors 132 - New EPA Regulations for the Release of Kr-85

         The Fukushima nuclear disaster occured in March of 2011. In addition to the actual radioactive fallout, there has been a great deal of other fallout including a wave of new safety regulation for the reactors in different countries. In the United States, the EPA is responsible for setting levels  of the different kinds of emissions that are allowed for power plants in the United States. Currently, parts of 40 CFR 190 are under revision for emissions from nuclear power plants.

Nuclear Reactors 131 - The Battle Between Nuclear and Renewable Power Generation

         I have blogged in the past about the battle between the nuclear industry and the renewable energy sector. For many years, nuclear enjoyed a protected status as an energy source. Billions of dollars allocated for loans and grants and long-term contracts guaranteed a fixed price for electricity generated by nuclear power, even if cheaper electricity was available.
