July 2014

Nuclear Reactors 142 - the Future of Nuclear Power in the European Union

          The European Union is a political entity made up of 28 mostly European nations. It has a currency based on the Euro, a parliament, a court, a bank and other departments. Member nations have surrendered some of their autonomy in return for the benefits of membership. There are one hundred and thirty two operating nuclear power reactors in fourteen of the member countries.

Radioactive Waste 85 -Russia and Norway Cooperate in Exploring Nuclear Dump in the Kara Sea

        I have blogged before about the nuclear waste situation in Russia. In one post, I discussed how Russia had been taking in illegal shipments of nuclear waste from European countries. I have also discussed how Russia has been dumping nuclear waste into the sea around the port of Murmansk. Now a report on the decades of Russian dumping into the Kara Sea of the Arctic Ocean has been provided by the Russians to the Norwegians.

Radioactive Waste 84 - France is Working on a Permanent Geological Repository for Nuclear Waste

         Nulcear waste disposal is a great unsolved problem. Geological repositories have been created by some nations but some have had to be closed because of unanticipated problems. In the U.S., years were spent working on a Yucca Mountain repository in Nevada before the project was cancelled in 1999. The best current estimate is that there will be no permanent geological repository in the U.S. before 2050.
