October 2014

Radioactive Waste 102 - Navy and State Agencies Present a Progress Report on the Cleanup of Magnuson Park - Part 1

        I blogged last summer about the cleanup of radioactive materials left in Magnuson Park in Seattle from when the park was a Naval air base in World War II. The Navy turned the park over to the city of Seattle in 1999 with the assurance that any hazardous material had been removed and it was safe for recreational and low-income housing.

Nuclear Reactors 173 - U.S. Nuclear Industry Pushes to Extend Reactor Lifetimes to Eighty Years

        I have blogged a lot about the aging U.S. nuclear power reactors. Most of them were built decades ago and are nearing or have already passed their initial forty year licenses. There does not seem to be much interest among investors and utilities in building new nuclear power reactors. The U.S. has a guaranteed loan pool of about twenty billion dollars that was created seven years ago.

Nuclear Fusion 18 - Will the Polywell Nuclear Fusion Reactor Design Work?

         I have been blogging this week about experimental fusion reactors. I got excited reading about the Bussard Polywell reactor. It has three excellent features. Based on hydrogen and boron-11 fuel, it does not consume radioactive fuel, it does not produce neutrons during operation and it does not produce radioactive waste.

Nuclear Fusion 17 - Great Potential of New Nuclear Fusion Reactors

        I have been posting lately about nuclear fusion reactors. I have not covered them before in my blog because I did not feel that there were any fusion projects that could possibly be turned into commercial energy sources for decades. There is an old joke that nuclear fusion is forty years away, always. Nuclear fusion just seemed to absorb billions of dollars but like the end of the rainbow it just kept receding as you approached it.
