October 2014

Nuclear Fusion 16 - Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor

        I have been blogging about alternate approaches to nuclear fusion power reactors. If the scientists are able to create a working fusion reactor that can generate more energy that it consumes, it could be revolutionary for the power industry. Fusion reactors are generally designed to consume ions like hydrogen, deuterium, tritium and/or boron for fuel. Some produce fast neutrons but some don't.

Nuclear Fusion 15 - Bussard Polywell Design for a Nuclear Fusion Power Reactor

        My last couple of posts have been about projects for developing nuclear fusion. Today I am going to discuss the work of Robert Bussard on nuclear fusion. Bussard developed his own innovative fusion reactor design that he called the Polywell. He formed a company called Energy/Matter Conversion Corporation in 1985 to work on the Polywell. He was able to build and test fifteen experimental devices between 1994 and 2006 with funding from the U.S. Navy.

Nuclear Fusion 14 - Dynomak Nuclear Fusion Reactor Under Development at the University of Washington

        My last couple of posts have been about the international ITER project for nuclear fusion. This is a huge project with participation of the European Union and other countries with major nuclear power programs. It is slated to be completed in 2027 and will be tested for years before a prototype of a nuclear fusion power reactor is built based on what is learned from the ITER.

Nuclear Fusion 13 - Technical Details on ITER

        In my last post, I talked about the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ITER project. A consortium of nations including European Union, India, Japan, People's Republic of China, Russia, South Korea and the United States formally agreed in 2006 to collaborate on the construction of an experimental nuclear fusion reactor. Billions of dollars and decades of work are dedicated to the project.
