June 2017

Nuclear Reactrors 291 - TEPCO Preparing Another Robot To Check The Ruins Of Unit 3 At Fukushima

    In March of 2011, there was an earthquake northeast of Japan. The resulting tsunami flooded the emergency generators of the Fukushima nuclear power plant on the Japanese coast. Three of the nuclear reactors at the plant suffered catastrophic meltdowns and radioactive materials were released into the atmosphere. Japan immediately shut down all their nuclear power reactors.

Nuclear Reactors 290 - NRC Grants Extensions For Repairs At Palo Verde Generating Station

       The Palo Verde Generating Station (PVGS) is a nuclear power plant that is near Tonopah, Arizona. It is only forty five miles from downtown Phoenix. There are three pressurized water reactors at the PVGS that each generate fourteen hundred megawatts.  This plant generates about thirty five percent of the electricity that is produced in Arizona.

Nuclear Reactors 289 - Westinghouse Electric Company Releases A New Nuclear Fuel Called EnCore

        Westinghouse Electric Company recently declared bankruptcy because of financial difficulties resulting from schedule delays and cost overruns on nuclear reactor construction projects in Geogia and South Carolina. Westinghouse, which is a subsidiary of Japan’s Toshiba, will end their nuclear reactor construction business.

Nuclear Reactors 288 - Michael Flynn Was Involved In a Project To Build Forty Nuclear Reactors In Middle Eastern Countries

       Michael Flynn has been in the news a lot lately. He was fired as the National Security Advisor for Donald Trump because he lied about being involved with foreign government. It turns out that he had some grand plans for spreading nuclear power to the Middle East.
