February 2016
Geiger Readings for Feb 12, 2015
Nuclear Weapons 189 - Obama Administration Getting Ready To Pull The Plug On MOX Facility At Savannah River Site
The Savannah River Site (SRS) is a federal nuclear reservation on the banks of the Savannah River, twenty five miles from Augusta, Georgia. It is owned by the U.S.
Geiger Readings for Feb 11, 2015
Nuclear Weapons 188 - U.C. Berkley To Lead New Consortium for Non-proliferation Funded by National Nuclear Security Administration
The U.S. National Nuclear Security administration (NNSA) has just issued a twenty five million dollar grant to create the Nuclear Science and Engineering Nonproliferation Research Consortium. (NSENRC) The new organization consists of eight universities and five national laboratories with U.C. Berkley as the lead institution.
Geiger Readings for Feb 10, 2015
Radioactive Waste 164 - Radon Gas Leaking From Natural Gas Well Near Los Angeles
There is a horrible eco-disaster playing out in the U.S. near Los Angeles, California at the Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Storage Facility. A natural gas well above a huge underground storage area for natural gas has been spewing out a steady stream of natural gas for more than two months. It will be months before it is under control. Plants and animals in the area are fleeing or dying.
Geiger Readings for Feb 09, 2015
Nuclear Weapons 187 - China Unlikely to Exert Influence to Curb North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program
North Korea has been in the news a lot because of the recent nuclear tests. I have blogged a couple of times in the past few weeks about their nuclear ambitions and the pressure on South Korea's government to respond by starting their own nuclear program. Internationally, there is pressure on China to exert influence to slow down or stop N.K. work on nuclear weapons and delivery systems.
Geiger Readings for Feb 08, 2015
Geiger Readings for Feb 07, 2015
Geiger Readings for Feb 06, 2015
Nuclear Weapons 186 - Calls For South Korea To Develop Nuclear Arsenal
The recent North Korean nuclear test got a lot of international press coverage. Regardless of whether or not it was actually a successful test of a hydrogen bomb, it aggravated concerns among the neighbors of N.K. over nuclear weapons in and around the Korean Peninsula. There are calls South Korea to start producing nuclear warheads to deter N.K. aggression.