Radioactive Waste 196 - Researchers At Indiana University Discover Supermolecule That Could Aid Vitrification

       Vitrification is a process of combining radioactive materials with other substances including silicon to yield a glass log that can be permanently disposed of in a geological repository, insuring that the radioactive materials will not be leached out of the log by ground water.

Nuclear Reactors 412 - Alternative Energy Sources Are Beating Nuclear Power In The U.S

       It will come as no surprise to anyone who reads this blog that I am no fan of nuclear power. I think it has many more negatives than even fossil fuels which I also don't like. It has saddened me to hear long time environmentalists pushing nuclear power as a good way to mitigate climate changes. Nuclear power is said to be carbon free but it is not.

Radioactive Waste 195 - Congress Considers Bill To Provide Funds For Towns That Have To Host Nuclear Waste

       The Yankee Rowe Nuclear Power Station is located on the Deerfield River in the town of Rowe, Massachusetts. The plant operated from 1960 to 1992 and was shut down permanently in February 29 of 1992. The plant was demolished and decommissioned in 2007.
