Radioactive Waste 188 - U.S. Department Of Energy To Ship Radioactive Liquid Waste From Ontario Canada to Georgia
Chalk River Laboratory is a Canadian nuclear research facility in Deep River, Ontario about a hundred miles northwest of Ottawa. CRL is dedicated to research and development of advanced nuclear technology, including support of the Candu nuclear reactor technology. CRL produces a big share of the nuclear isotopes needed for nuclear medicine across the world.
Geiger Readings for Aug 19, 2016
Nuclear Weapons 220 - Is The U.S. Moving Nuclear Bombs From Turkey To Romania
During the recent aborted coup in Turkey, the Incirlik air base near the Syrian border was surrounded and all flights in and out were cancelled. The U.S. is currently using Incirlik as a base for bombing operations against ISIS. The U.S. has fifty B61 nuclear gravity bombs stored at the base. The Turkish base commander was arrested as part of the aftermath of the coup attempt.
Geiger Readings for Aug 18, 2016
Nuclear Weapons 220 - Donald Trump, Japan and Nuclear Weapons
Since Donald Trump started talking about other countries under treaty for U.S. defense who were not pulling their weight, the question of nuclear weapons has been brought up. Trump thinks that if another country such as Japan is not contributing enough to their own defense, then the U.S. should back off and leave them on their own.