Personal Ways of Dealing with Radiation Exposure

Personal Ways of Dealing with Radiation Exposure

              There are many different ways that a person can be exposed to ionizing radiation in the world we live in. Some possibilities are food and meat grown in an area polluted by radioactive materials, medical diagnostic procedures, medical treatment, fallout from nuclear accidents, fallout from terrorist dirty bombs, fallout and direct radiation from nuclear weapons, and even naturally occurring sources such as radon gas from the soil. While taking iodine pills to protect thyroid glands from radioactive iodine-131 exposure is commonly mentioned, the average person may be uncertain that there is anything that he or she could do if exposed to radiation. Here are some recommendations:

Psychosomatic medicine has shown that a positive attitude generally helps strengthen the immune system and assists recovery from a variety of health problems. While it might be difficult to maintain a positive attitude after radiation exposure, it is important that an exposed person not descend into depression and pessimism.

 Astralgalus has been a part of the herbal Chinese system of medicine for centuries. It not only boosts the immune system but has been shown to help restore a damaged immune system to normal functioning. It has few side effects and is helpful in dealing with physiological stress.

 Bentonite clay can remove the toxic by-products of radiation damage from the body. Native Americans recognized this type of soil as a healing agent. A layer of bentonite mud can also actively protect the human body from radiation and chemical toxins. 

Blue-Green algae and marine phytoplankton such as spirulina and chlorella can lower the level of heavy metals and radiation in the human body. They also benefit the immune system. They produce oxygen which can help alter the pH in the body someone who is been exposed to radiation.


 Ginkgo bilboa is another Chinese herbal medicine in use for thousands of years. This herb has been shown to protect lymphocytes against damage from radiation if it can be taken before radiation exposure.

Kombucha tea is made from a fermented mushroom tea and is used to alter the pH in the body which can assist in healing. It also provides healthy probiotics for the digestive tract. President Ronald Reagan claimed that he cured a case of stomach cancer with Kombucha tea.

 Lingzhi mushrooms have been recognized for millenia as being beneficial for health and healing. Research has shown that a chemical in these mushrooms called polysaccharide beta-1,3-D-glucan enhances the immune system by increasing the level of macrophage T-cells. Lingzhi mushrooms can reduce nausea caused by radiation exposure as well as help prevent damage to the kidneys.

             All of these herbs and compounds are available to the general public and can be of use in fighting off the health effects of radiation exposure. Given that the probability of being exposed to radiation in increasing every day, it is a good idea to be familiar with popular and common products that might be beneficial in case of exposure.