March 2015

Nuclear Reactors 222 - Four Nuclear Energy Bills Are Working Their Way Throught The Washington State Legislature

          Washington State has a tortured history with nuclear power. The biggest bond default in the history of the United States was the collapse of the WPPSS project to construct five nuclear power reactors in Washington. It cost utilities over two billion dollars. Ultimately, only one of the intended reactors was built at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation and is still operating today.

Nuclear Reactors 221 - Lockheed Martin Seeks Funding For Compact Fusion Reactor Project

          I have blogged about nuclear fusion before. Scientists have been researching the possibility of generating energy by nuclear fusion, the energy source of stars, for decades. The basic concept of nuclear fusion is the combination of lighter elements into heavier elements accompanied by a huge release of energy.

Nuclear Weapons 128 - What Would Happen If Iran Got Nuclear Weapons

          Iran has been in the news a lot lately with respect to the possibility that they may develop nuclear weapons. The U.S. and six other major nations are negotiating with Iran over uranium enrichment and sanctions. The primary issue is to have Iran stop enrichment and open facilities to inspection in return for ending the crippling sanctions.
